Interpersonal skills are essential not only in business but also outside of business. We use it to communicate with one another, to understand and listen to each other and also to solve problems and to made decisions.

Whilst completing this module I believe that I have developed my listening skills. When I was at school, I found it hard to learn things first time round and struggled in exams. I have developed my listening skills throughout this module to help me listen and understand what is happening around me.
By developing my listening and understanding skills during this module, I have been able to improve the quality of my work in both this module, and other modules within my University Course.
Challenging Blog

The blog that i found most challenging to complete was the Leadership blog. This blog consisted of a lot of research into the topic. As I work for the Co-operative, my immediate response to this blog was to do it based on the Co-operative, but I found it hard to complete the whole blog about the Co-operative because I work in a small Co-operative convenience store which means that the information I have about leaders in the Co-operative was limited.
I also found it difficult to complete the blog because the research I had done was not thorough enough and I misunderstood the information that I had researched. This meant that I had to go back and change the blog to make it correct.
Possible Changes to the Module

If I was the module leader, I would keep most aspects of this module the same as I believe it has led to a thorough understanding of the module.
I believe that a blog is an excellent way to asses students knowledge as it isn't in a stressful environment like an exam hall and students aren't under lots of pressure. This means they have time to research the topic and increase their knowledge about the module.
One thing I would change is the amount of activities completed during the lectures. I believe that people can learn better if they are taught visually as well as being taught in a normal lecture. If more physical activities were used within the lectures then I think it would give a better understanding of the topic; increasing the students knowledge.
Well done for posting all the blogs - I was getting worried about the last 2!